Enter the Realm of Endless Possibilities

A bold new ai-powered

MMRPG Epic fantasy D&D metaworld
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A group of people standing on top of a mountain.
Real and shared consequences. Lasting impact.
This is a harsh world. But it's your world.


This is the very beginning of a whole new dimension of RPG.
The Alpha, if you will, of a brand new world. A world that YOU will help create. Not just your version of the world, like with most campaigns, but THE version of the world.
You will be shaping history as it happens, as will other players and GMs in other games.
What happens to your characters becomes Lore. It becomes the live history of the world.
If you vanquish a foe, they are vanquished forever, for everyone. If you discover and plunder some ancient ruins, they are plundered. Another party cannot come and "rerun" a version of the same adventure - they will be exploring in your wake.
A glowing book sitting on top of a wooden table.
Campaigns and adventures may well intersect, and that is part of the magic.
LORE is always on hand to aid collaboration.


Wildelore opens up a truly unique and immersive massively multiplayer RPG experience.
Blurring the lines between canon and fan-content - we, the community, shape the world.
This is not just an MMO - a Wildelore campaign can be played as your own group or directly with our AI GM, in any way you like - tabletop, online, discord, it's up to you.
At the heart of our world is LORE, an AI-powered Gamemaster - keeper of the world, events and time.
As a community, we can create, campaign and play in a single game time thread, with events of the world updated in real time in the Live LORE Compendium (LLC).
Gamemasters reference the LLC for play in their own campaigns, and submit updates on their adventures as they happen via the LORE portal, and those events will then be forever logged as LORE, thus shaping the world.
Stakes are high for players. If you defeat an overlord, that overlord is defeated. For ALL. Same if a keep is burned and sacked, or a dungeon looted.
to join the Alpha, launching soon.


A man stands in front of a table with a magical pattern on it and the same pattern in the air in front of him.

Artificial Intelligence

Wildelore is not a video game, it is a table-top role playing game usiong the Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Open Gaming License (OGL) system.
It can be played table top (in real life), via one of the online digital platforms (D&D Beyond, Roll 20, etc.), or even directly on Discord.
At the heart of our world is LORE, an AI-powered Gamemaster - keeper of the world, events and time.
At the heart of the Wildelore game engine is LORE AI, our proprietary AI-powered Game Master and World Keeper.
LORE keeps events of the world current, and is the real-time sourcebook, if you like.
As a Game Master, you create and run your campaign in the LORE engine, and submit updates in real time, ensuring that the events of your campaign impact the world at large.
As a player, you can even play a solo campaign directly through the LORE engine.
to join the Alpha, launching soon.

The $WILDE token is your access pass to the world of Wildelore.

A golden orb in the middle of a forest.
Exclusive early access pass for players, game masters + creators
A person's hand touching a pile of gold coins.
Stake $wilde to earn in-game currency for your characters and campaigns
A group of people standing in front of a building.
Token fair launched on proof platform for investor peace of mind
to join the Alpha, launching soon.


Phase 1


  • Establish the game concepts + mechanics
  • Establish the world tone and potential scope
  • Initial World Building
  • Initial World Mapping (established / concepted / blank canvas)
  • Write Novel to establish the world
  • Create Website + CMS
  • Playtest intro adventure module "Harvest Moon" (single party, level 0 to 1)
A book with a city on top of it.
A group of people walking down a street next to tall buildings.
Phase 2


Q3/4 2024
  • Build out core team (community, dev, AI, web3)
  • $WILDE token launch
  • TG Community
  • Open Discord Community
  • Live LORE Compendium (MVP)
  • Playtest adventure module "Eiriador" (MM + game time with 2 remote parties, level 1 to 3)
Phase 3


  • Early Access for Alpha GMs/players ($WILDE holders)
  • Early Access for Alpha World Builders + Storytellers
  • World Launch Catalyst Event
  • Wildelore establishing Novel 1 (Harvest Moon) - chapter by chapter release
  • Wildelore Campaign Resource Book (pdf)
  • Feldhart Region Resource Book (pdf)
  • LORE AI GM (assisted)
  • $WILDE staking for in-game currency
  • Alpha NPC + Place NFTs
A long table filled with lots of food.
A large building with a golden dome on top of it.
Phase 4


  • Subscriber Access for Beta GMs/players
  • Subscriber Access for Beta World Builders + Storytellers
  • Wildelore Novel 2 release (Title TBC)
  • Wildelore Campaign Resource Book, expanded (pdf)
  • Eiriador Region Resource Book (pdf)
  • LORE AI GM (semi-autonomous)
  • Beta NPC + Place NFTs
Phase 5

Full Launch

  • Subscriber + Open Access for GMs/players
  • Subscriber + Open Access for World Builders + Storytellers
  • Additional Wildelore Novels (published)
  • Wildelore Campaign Resource Books (published, hardcover)
  • LORE AI GM (autonomous)
  • Solo Play Feature (LORE GM)
  • Further NPC + Place NFTs
A painting of a map with a compass on it.


A man Wolfe playing a guitar in front of a group of people.


A painting of a woman Mina standing in front of a fire.


A man Ash in a hooded cloak in a forest.




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Unleash Your Adventure in Wildelore